25 May, 2010

Ocean-minded minutes

So I've been writing a series of ads for the family dive shop trying to capitalize on our marine science cred. Education's definitely a big facet of what we do, so we decided to go with an "edu-tising" radio campaign for the local market. Every few weeks I pick three topics in oceanography, marine fauna, etc. on which to pontificate for 30 seconds each. Just now, for example, I've finished one for manta rays, one for the plankton, and one for tidal generating forces.

This is rough. I have the tendency to wax lyrical about topics that interest me and am utterly flat and boring when I'm uninterested. It's also difficult to dispense complete nuggets of informational gold in only 30 seconds, which forces me to pick topics about which I can make simple statements and sweeping generalizations without feeling too much a tool.

Perhaps I can use this blog as a means to assuage my guilt. You, fellow naturalists and assorted laypersons, can listen to the completed commercials here www.bottomtimehawaii.com. Feel free to call me out on any mis/over/under-statements, disingenuous omission, befuddlements, fudges, confusions or other offenses I've overlooked.

And offer advice. And ideas for more bloody commercials.

Thanks stacks,

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